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I'm Hirush.

"As a self-motivated, service-focused and responsible person, seeking for such a professional environment where enhancing professional and developing problem solving skills are well appreciated. As a quick learner punctual and hard worker, responsible team worker and adaptable according to situation seeking for a reputed service place where I can utilize my skills. At the same time looking forward to challenging and growth oriented tasks that help to prove the best of my ability in achieving the objective of the job."

👨‍🎓. Who Am I

"A 23-year-old Software Engineering graduate from SLIIT, with a BSc (Hons) in Information Technology, specializing in Software Engineering (Second class Upper Division). Possesses nearly 02 years of industry experience in Java and JavaScript web-based technologies and tools. Currently seeking a Software Engineer position."

// First, Identify the problem. Then, write the code!

💪. What Can I Do


Do you need a personal portfolio or an online store website? Let me help you create a website that adheres to industry standards, ensuring your success in the online world. With my expertise, your website will stand out from the rest.


I offer comprehensive mobile app development services, handling the entire process from design to deployment. My services are tailored to meet your unique requirements and your customers' needs, ensuring your app is optimized for success.

UX/UI Designing

By understanding your users' needs, I can create user-friendly designs that provide an exceptional experience. My user-centric approach to design ensures that your customers are engaged and satisfied, resulting in effective and engaging experiences that exceed their expectations.

💼. Experience

Download Resume
2022 JUL - Present
Software Developer

Fiverr - Freelance Services Marketplace

2022 JAN - 2022 JUL
Associate Software Engineer

Technova Solutions | Awissawella, Sri Lanka.

2021 JUL - 2022 JAN
Intern Software Engineer

Technova Solutions | Awissawella, Sri Lanka.

2019 - 2020
Graphic Designer

Newton Arts | Ja-ela, Sri Lanka.

🏫. Education

2019 - 2023

Completed BSc(Hons) IT Specialization In Software Engineering Degree program with Second Class Upper Division.

2016 - 2017

Completed AAT Level 1 Award in Accounting Stage 1.

2015 - 2016

Completed Graphic Design and Multimedia Diploma program with Higer Grades.

2015 - 2017
Advanced Level - Commerce

Christ King College - Tudella.

2004 - 2015
Ordinary Level

St. Mary's College - Ja ela.

🏢. What I've Built

Web Applications

Mobile Applications

Other Applications

👨‍💻. Programming Languages

👨‍💻. Other Technologies

✍🏻. What I've Written

📰. Recent news

Imagine Cup - SEA NM Regional Finalist

We are delighted to announce that Team Venic has participated in Microsoft Imagine Cup in Health Category and reached the top 12 teams in the SEA NM Region. Stay tuned for more updates about Venic in the future.

Nominated for WSA Competition

We are now official SLIIT-nominated representatives to the WORLD level competition for selecting best software in 2022. Our team Venic Screened from SLIIT to participate to the WSA in Technological Category.

Nominated for NBQSA Competition

We are now official SLIIT-nominated representatives to the national level competition for selecting best software in 2022. Our team Venic Screened from SLIIT to participate to the NBQSA in Technological Category.

Published Venic(beta) Version

We are pleased to mention that our Venic(beta) extension now available in Visual studio market place.
We will deploy Venic core-server soon. You can download and test our user interface for your VS Code Editor.

Creative & Dedicated is things that Hirush brings for your business.

" Always great to work with. The most patient person I have ever met, who lives up to expectations and do everything to make sure you are satisfied and Communication was great. Work was done efficiently and effectively. Got exactly what I requested for, Thank you!"

Dilip Wijethunga
Software Developer - Fiverr

"Working with you has been an absolute delight. Your willingness to listen to my needs and deliver exactly what I asked for is a testament to your professionalism and commitment to excellence. Thank you for your great work!"

D.R.E.S. Senavirathne
Project Manager - Quadd Mark (PVT) Ltd


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